Our Services

Our Practice

For administrative purposes, the Firm is presently comprised of 3 separate practice units covering the broad spectrum of corporate and commercial law practice, being specifically.

  • Corporate and Commercial Practice Unit
  • Energy and Project Finance Practice Unit
  •  Maritime, International Trade and Litigation Practice Unit

The firm is a predominantly commercial law practice, and the work of the company and commercial department is central to our activities. Our clients, which include leading Nigerian companies and major foreign corporations, are representative of a wide cross-section of industrial and commercial interests.  The firm has advised numerous business concerns in all phases of their operations. From the initial choice of operating entity – sole proprietorships, joint ventures, 100% foreign owned companies, partnerships, corporations through financing decisions, diversification efforts, reconstructions or mergers and dissolutions. The firm also provides company secretarial services, and our expertise extends to the various disciplines that bear upon basic corporate decision making – securities, accounting, taxation, and regulated industry law.

We are well known for our telecoms practice and have had the opportunity of working with several well-known companies in Nigeria and internationally.

During our representation of these telecommunication companies we have come across the full range of issues, from commercial and regulatory to corporate, litigation and finance.

The firm is experienced in providing services to assist foreign companies/individuals wishing to establish businesses in Nigeria. These services include the establishment of wholly owned foreign companies, company registrations, obtaining business permits, expatriate quota allocations, approved status, pioneer status and approvals for exemption from incorporation under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Chapter C20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2020. The firm also advises on Nigerian laws and procedures related to foreign investment.

The firm deals with every aspect of international trade, including negotiating and drafting international sale contracts, advising on international commodity agreements,  resolution of disputes relating to letters of credit and bills of exchange, debt restructuring and barter and counter-trade agreements, and finance and  insurance.  The firm also helps its clients resolve trade disputes in and out of court or in arbitration or mediation and assists in dealing with governments and their agencies.  The firm is also involved in representing export credit agencies and advising on international trade credit insurance.

In addition to advising on Nigerian laws and conducting litigation or arbitration, the firm is able to obtain swift advice on foreign law and to pursue legal or arbitration proceedings throughout the world.


Primary sources of civil rights law include the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution (the “Bill of Rights”), as well as a number of important pieces of federal legislation passed in recent decades. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a notable example of federal law aimed at preventing discrimination. Other examples include the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991.

The firm’s keen interest and involvement in Nigeria’s electricity sector over several years has given it in-depth experience in a range of work in the electricity sector. It has also produced lawyers who are knowledgeable in securing and documenting the legal relationships necessary in ensuring compliance with applicable legislation, regulations, and government requirements.

The firm is able to advise new entrants to the industry on corporate regulation start-up requirements, as well as on other requisites relevant for business compliance within Nigeria’s prevailing regulatory regime.

The firm provides comprehensive legal service to ship owners, their local agents or representatives, shippers, charterers, marine insurers including P&I Clubs and their correspondents in relation to bill of lading disputes, charter parties and other contracts of  Affreightment, application of the Hague or Hamburg rules, agency agreements and ships sales and purchases. Advice can also be provided in respect of marine enquiries or claims relating to general average and salvage.

The firm has litigation experience in cargo loss and damage claims involving ship arrests and also in jetty and pipeline damage claims involving ship detentions by government authorities.

In addition, the firm is well positioned to offer advice and assist in the establishment of shipping companies or shipping agencies with or without foreign participation particularly regarding the registration requirements of the regulatory authorities.

The firm offers advice on the financing and leasing of aircraft as well as on licensing and regulatory matters. We also have experience of most commercial, planning and regulatory problems facing the day to day operation of an airline.

The firm provides representation for business, charitable and individual clients in federal, state and local taxation. Its services include advising on petroleum taxation matters and the tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions, sale of shares and assets.

The firm acts on behalf of public and private companies and partnerships in dealing with the tax implications of commercial transactions and advising on the structuring of new ventures and other relevant matters.

The successful resolution of disputes depends upon the clear identification of client’s objectives and upon striking a balance between the purposeful conduct of litigation and careful and sensitive negotiation. The firm is continuously engaged in commercial dispute negotiation on behalf of its clients. Its approach towards every dispute is practical and result- oriented. When circumstances dictate, our litigation department acts forcefully and effectively in protecting our clients’ rights by pursuing every available legal remedy. We recognise however, the value of a well-timed settlement and endeavour to resolve disputes in the best interest of our clients.

Most of the firm’s litigation practice arises from a general representation of its corporate and manufacturing clients, in particular with contractual disputes arising from agency relationships, the supply of goods and services, property related matters (including construction and building contract disputes), employment disputes and infringement of intellectual property rights.

The firm represents its clients in commercial arbitrations within and outside Nigeria.

The firm is experienced in the preparation and perfection of all forms of security and financial documentation for banks and other financial institutions including consortium and individual loan agreements, public and private issues, international project financing, securities acquisition and sales, mortgages, bills of sale, guarantees, debentures, debenture trust deeds, chattel mortgages, equipment leases and debt rescheduling documentation. The firm also provides representation and advice on all forms of security and financial documentation and is involved in acting as external counsel to several international financial institutions and local banks.

The firm is experienced in the preparation and perfection of all forms of security and financial documentation for banks and other financial institutions including consortium and individual loan agreements, public and private issues, international project financing, securities acquisition and sales, mortgages, bills of sale, guarantees, debentures, debenture trust deeds, chattel mortgages, equipment leases and debt rescheduling documentation. The firm also provides representation and advice on all forms of security and financial documentation and is involved in acting as external counsel to several international financial institutions and local banks.

The firm provides advisory services to various clientele on labour law issues including general employment advice, review and drafting of employment contracts, negotiating terms of collective bargaining agreements, advising on trade union disputes and attending negotiation meetings in that regard, advising and providing strategies for the smooth transition of staff from contract status to permanent employee status. We have been called upon to negotiate and formalize terms of hiring on contract basis, members of host communities within which some of our clients conduct their businesses.

We have also been called upon by clients to conduct the process of the dismissal of employees where the same have industry specific regulations (for example in the Oil and Gas Industry, it is required that companies provide due notification to the Minister of Petroleum Resources prior to the disengagement of staff from a company).

Our ability to properly manage such delicate situations has earned us significant
referrals over the years.

The firm engages in various aspects of property law including the preparation and perfection of leases, tenancy agreements, assignments, transfers and mortgages, and in obtaining governmental consents and approvals incidental to these transactions. It also has experience in investigating and deducing title and in title registrations generally, as well as the preparation of building leases and agreements and contractor-finance contracts. The firm also handles land litigations, compensation claims and land dispute settlements.

The firm provides excellent services to foreign clients in relation to immigration matters. It assists foreign clients in procuring and regularising immigration documents such as business permits, Subject To Regularisation (STR) visas, Residence Permit Applications (or extensions), temporary work permits / cable visas, expatriate quota positions and all other documents that would ensure the smooth operation of any foreign business venture and stay of expatriates in Nigeria.

The firm has vast experience in government regulatory and compliance work and interfaces regularly with regulators such as the Department of Petroleum Resources, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, Nigerian Customs Service, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the National Assembly, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, amongst several others.

The firm provides specialised services relating to local content structuring of businesses compliant with the requirements of both the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 and the Coastal and Inland Shipping (Cabotage) Act 2003.

For Consultation Call +234 8023 100 885